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Eric and Spencer with Boston Marathon 2018 winner Yuki Kawauchi at the Japan Society of Boston’s annual gala, April 17, 2018.

Eric and Spencer with Boston Marathon 2018 winner Yuki Kawauchi at the Japan Society of Boston’s annual gala, April 17, 2018.

Spencer and Eric with Japanese poet, professor and sociologist Kiriu Minashita, Tokyo, August 2017.

Spencer and Eric with Japanese poet, professor and sociologist Kiriu Minashita, Tokyo, August 2017.

What We Do

We specialize in business development for Japanese companies seeking market entry into the United States, and American businesses seeking investment and partnerships in Japan. Our clients are typically small businesses or startups, and we are typically their first point of contact. We specialize in listening, then helping our clients create marketing and business development plans. BMP offers services in the following areas:

  • Business development for Japanese companies seeking market entry into the USA

  • Services for American companies seeking investors and partnerships in Japan

  • Creating customized contact lists in our clients’ industries to jump-start the sales cycle (a service we call “Small Data”)

  • Marketing solutions, (product launch coordination, copy, branding, local outreach, press-release and more)

  • Event management and promotion at trade shows etc.

  • Translation (Japanese to English).

Leading with Culture

Our clients expect us to understand and thrive in both Japanese and American business culture, and we do. We are constantly striving to become more culturally literate, as well as more knowledgeable.

Boston Marketing Partners began as a vehicle to support our partnership agreement with Surkus, an emerging hyper-targeted marketing company expanding into the Boston area in 2018. BMP has grown to become the professional consulting arm for Eric Hyett and Spencer Thurlow. We share a 6-year history of working together on a variety of projects, from event management and "enrichment travel" workshops, to financial due diligence and market-entry strategies. Apart from business, Eric & Spencer are most well known for co-translating "Sonic Peace," the award-winning first book of poetry by contemporary Japanese female poet Kiriu Minashita. To explore Eric & Spencer’s cultural activities, please see our sister website

Put our experience to work for you!